Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Google bike hack, quick and dirty

Many of the projects we post are so well thought out and engineered, they could hardly be called “hacks”.  This one, however, falls neatly into the hack category. [Dave] wanted his very own exercise bike hooked to Google maps. Instead of setting up a control system and writing software to control Google maps, he simply hacked a USB game controller. He wired a magnetic switch directly into the board, where the “up” button is. Then he mounted the switch so that it would be triggered each time he rotated the pedal.  Though he only has the forward movement done right now, it would be pretty easy to set up a couple more switches at the base of the handle bar for left and right.
While the experience may not be quite as nice as the more complicated one, aside from head tracking, it isn’t that far off.

How To Record 3D Video in 3D

Legalities of doing something like this aside, this concept by [MadSci labs] gives some insight into how one would go about recording a 3D movie in 3D.  Probably many of you have wondered if this could be done, but they took it one step further and actually made a device capable of doing just that.

La Crosse weather station wireless data acquisition

Hackaday reader [equinoxefr] posted some images to our flickr pool showing off some modifications he made (Google Translation) to his La Crosse WS2305 weather station. Having built other router-based weather stations in the past, [equinoxefr] was looking for a better way to gather weather data after one of the routers gave up the ghost.

Easily movable RFID door lock is great for dorm rooms


One of the first things that [Eric] hacked together when he got to college was an RFID door locking system. He found that he was often in a rush to get in and out of his dorm room, and that using a simple wireless key was a great way to streamline his days.
Over the years, he has refined his design, and while his original prototype was functional, it was a bit rough around the edges. In the video posted on his site, he thoroughly explains how his system was built, and shows off the revisions he has made over time. One key consideration when building this system was the fact that the installation had to be non-permanent. Since schools typically frown on physically altering your rooms, he found a non-intrusive means to mount his system in the way of zip ties and foam board.

Wi-Fi jamming via deauthentication packets

[Elliot] put together an intriguing proof-of-concept script that uses repeated deauthentication packet bursts to jam WiFi access points. From what we can tell it’s a new way to use an old tool. Aircrack-ng is a package often seen in WiFi hacking. It includes a deauthentication command which causes WiFi clients to stop using an access point and attempt to reauthenticate themselves. [Elliot's] attack involves sending repeated deauthenitcation packets which in essence never allows a client to pass any data because they will always be tied up with authentication.

RF sniffing on-the-go

It’s been a while since we checked in on [Travis Goodspeed]. His latest post makes RF sniffing with the Next HOPE badge more portable by ditching the need to display data on a computer. He’s built on the work he did at the beginning of the year, replacing the FTDI chip on the badge with a Bluetooth module. Now he can use his Nokia N900 as a GoodFET terminal to not only display the packets pulled from the air, but the control the badge as well.

Wireless hackerspace music control


The crew at the Netherlands-based Bitlair hackerspace love their music, and have set up a digital jukebox for their workshop using mpd and fookebox. One problem that you run into with a bunch of different people working in one place is that everyone has their own distinct taste in music. The rhythmic “wub wub wub” of Dubstep might be great for some while leaving others trying to solder while simultaneously covering their ears. To ensure that everyone can exercise a musical veto (a la Empire Records) now and again, they built a Skipbutton which allows members to change what’s playing.

Reverse Engineering the Nike+ Hardware

The Nike+ hardware is obviously an interesting device.  We haven’t heard a whole lot about hacking one until now, but [Dimitry] has decided to change that. Many would assume that the data transmitted off of these sensors is quite simple, however there’s a bit more than meets the eye. Amongst other challenges, all the data packets coming out of the transceiver are encrypted. [Dimitry] claims to have decoded this data stream and made use of it.

3G connected hotspot hangs out at your house

[Drug123] made the most out of this inconspicuous gray box on the gable end of his father’s home. It serves up a 3G Internet connection that was otherwise unavailable..
The project idea was sparked by the absence of wired or fiber optic broadband in the community where his dad lives. He knew some neighbors were using 3G connections, but he couldn’t get it to work inside the house. So he set about developing an external installation that would both communicate with the cellular network, and provide a WiFi connect to it. Hardware for that is relatively expensive; a USB 3G modem and a WiFi router with a USB port.

Using WebSocket with PIC microcontrollers

[Blaise Jarrett] has been grinding away to get the WebSocket protocol to play nicely with PIC microcontrollers. Here he’s using the PIC 18F4620 along with a Roving Networks RN-XV WiFi module to get the device on the network. He had started with a smaller processor but ran into some RAM restrictions so keep that in mind when choosing your hardware.
This project was spawned after seeing the mBed feature a few days back which combined that board along with a WebSocket library and HTML5 to pull off some pretty amazing stuff. [Blaise] doesn’t have quite as much polish on the web client yet, but he has recreated the data transfer method and improved on that project by moving to the newer version 13 of WebSockets. The protocol is kind of a moving target as it is still in the process of standardization.
The backend is a server called AutoBahn which is written in python. It comes along with client-side web server examples which gave him a chance to get up and running quickly. From there he got down to work with the WebSocket communications. They’re a set of strings that look very much like HTML headers. He outlines each command and some of the hangups one might run into with implementation. After reading what it takes to get this going it seems less complicated than we thought, but it’s obvious why you’ll need a healthy chunk of RAM to pull it off.

Chrome and Firefox showing JavaScript improvements

With new betas for both Firefox and Chrome being released, CNET decided to find out how good their JavaScript performance was. Both browsers got a performance boost with Firefox slightly edging out Chrome. You have to turn on TraceMonkey, Firefox’s new Javascript engine in 3.1b1, to get the improvement. We never thought Google was that serious about building a new browser. They just want wanted Firefox to get their act together and suck less. It seems to be working.

Faster browsing with RAM disks


A coworker approached us today wondering if they could get a performance boost using Samsung’s newly announced 256GB SSD. Most of their work is done in browser, so we said “no”. They’d only see benefit if they were reading/writing large files. Their system has plenty of RAM, and we decided to take a different approach. By creating a filesystem in RAM, you can read and write files much faster than on a typical hard drive. We decided to put the browser’s file cache into RAM.

Securing your data

Lifehacker has published an overview of some of the many ways you can secure your data. The post was prompted by recently released browser vulnerabilities: first IE, then Firefox. They cover techniques far beyond just browser security, like how to properly wipe your iPhone. They mention disk encryption go-to TrueCrypt along with password management tools like KeePass. They also suggest using temporary credit cards to mitigate the impact of fraud.

Lightweight Webkit based browsers

Lightweight Webkit based Browsers

With netbooks being slim and mostly utilitarian, it seems a bit contradictory to use a standard and somewhat bulky web browser with them. After all, we’re trimming down the operating system to perform faster on these little devices, so why not thin out the focal point of the netbook: the browser. Firefox, Chrome, or Safari may be well and great for a full powered desktop or laptop, so how about something a bit more trimmed? Enter the lightweight Webkit based browsers: Arora and Midori.

Arora and Midori are relative newcomers to the browser wars, but each offers a great alternative to Firefox, especially for netbooks. They’re both based on the opensource Webkit project, which is the same engine used by Chrome and Safari, so pages load quickly. Flash is supported and fully enabled in both with video playback working just as well as other browsers. The main advantage is the loading speed of the browser itself. On an ASUS Eee PC with Ubuntu, Firefox takes a few seconds to load, where Arora and Midori load in under a second.
These projects are maturing pretty quickly, and some great features come out with each version. For our money though, Arora takes the cake, and has replaced Firefox as my browser of choice for my netbook. It’s quicker, offers a somewhat similar feature to Firefox’s “awesome bar”, has a privacy mode, and is generally a little bit faster than Midori.

Firefox CSS hack: change navigation icons


Why settle for the standard home icon on your browser? If your home button brings you to hackaday.com, why not make the icon reflect that destination? This hack is quick and simple. We’ll take you through it using Firefox 3 and the default theme with standard sized icons.
We start by using our favorite graphics program to make an icon that is 24×24 pixels, and then saved is as a PNG file without compression.

Custom shortcuts from Firefox address bar


We picked up a great Firefox bookmark tip from [Colin]. He wanted an easier way to look up bug numbers on the launchpad bug tracker. Because the url is always the same with the bug number at the end of the address, he replaced the final portion of the url with %s. Now, when he types the keyword followed by the bug number in the address bar the bug page loads right up.
We don’t do all that many bug searches but it’s immediately obvious that this can be useful in a lot of ways. In the photo above you can see we’ve set up a shortcut to the tag pages for hackaday.com. Now we just type “hack” with the tag we want after it. Add this to your bookmarks and try typing “hack firefox” into the address bar.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Enable Right Click on Sites if Disabled

Many of the web-sites have disabled the right click functionality..
The reason could be that the sites disabled the right click so that no one can save the pictures or open sites in new tab or to disable to show pop-up menus etc..
To Enable the Right click functionality follow this steps:-

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hack Password of any Operating System

Today i'm going to tell you how to crack a windows password. Basically it's an old trick but some of our reader wants to know about it. So guys, one thing any hacker should know is how to hack into login account of any operating system. Major Operating Systems that are used these days are Windows, Linux and Mac. So today I will show you how to hack into these Operating Systems. Are you curious how easy it is for someone to gain access to your computer? If so, read on to see the technique one might use to figure out your computer password.

Increase the Download speed of Hotfile-cookies hack

As we know Hotfile is file sharing website.  In hotfile , downloading speed for normal user is very slow.  But for premium account it will be faster.  In this post, i am going to explain how to downlod files from hotfile like premium account. 

In this method, we are going to use the premium cookies(cookie got from cookie stealing method).  Website detects the user based on the cookies.  cookies is only factor that detects whether you are normal user or premium user. So Using the Premium cookies , you can make the website to believe that you are the premium user.  Sounds good..!! but how to do? This can achieved by Cookies Editing.
Method 1:
  • normal Free account in Hotfile
  • Premium cookies
  • Install Web Developer Add on

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hide Facebook Profile from Search Engine

  1. Click on the Privacy Settings.
  2. Go to the Apps and Websites and then Click on Edit your settings.
  3. Goes under the Public Search Tab and then click again on Edit your settings.
  4. Here you found a option Enable Public Search. Uncheck this
  5. Confirm

Increase Acrobat Reader Loading Time

  1. Go to the directory where acrobat reader installed..(eg:- c:\program files\adobe\reader\~ )
  2. Move all the files and folders from "plug-ins" folder to the "Optional" folder i.e. Cut all the files and folders from "Plug-ins" folder and paste it into the "Optional" folder.
Make sure that Acrobat Reader is Closed at this time.

Acrobat Reader loads all the plug-ins when it loads into memory so that all the unnecessary plug-ins also gets loaded.
move all the plug-ins to Optional folder will loads all the necessary plug-ins...!

Change AM & PM Text in Windows with your Name


  1. Click on Start Menu
  2. Go to the Control Panel
  3. Select Regional & Language Options
  4. Go to the Regional Options Tab
  5. Click on Customize Button
  6. Go to Time Tab
  7. Rename AM and PM name...as whatever you want..!!

Codec Pack to Play all Audio/Video Format

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a software that play all audio/video format file.
It supports media file formats also without any conversion.

Click here to download

Convert Text Document into MP3

This software converts all the text into audio.
It’s working on XP, window 7, Vista, windows 2003
with this software you can convert text into mp3 and wav sound format.
It’s supports all file formats eg.-> doc, docx, txt, rtf, pdf, html etc…

Click here to download

Multiple Chatting Application on a Single Place

Try Google Chrome Add-on IMO im's Instant Chat Messenger
It's a web-based service that allows users to chat with multiple application protocols including Facebook, GTalk, MSN, Yahoo, Skype, ICQ, AIM etc...
It's totally free and doesn't requires registration

Click Here to install Chrome extension

Turn Window7 into Apple iOS

Change your Windows 7 look into Apple iOS.
iOS operating system designed for Apple mobile devices such as iPhone.

Download Youtube Video Without Any Software

Copy the video link that you want to download
then go to the keepvid.com
paste the video link in the url box
and then download begins.
you can select different format of videos from there after click on the download button

Note:This site requires Java plugins for downloading video
must sure that java is installed on your system..!!

Enable Run Command in Window 7

  1. Right click on the taskbar and then Select Properties
  2. Click on the Start Menu tab and then click Customize button.
  3. After opening a pop-up window find the Run command Option and select the check box.
  4. Click OK and then click on Apply button on the taskbar. and finish.

Window 8 Transformation Pack For Window 7

Now convert your window 7 into window 8 without installing window 8

Login page

Send Single Message to Multiple Users on Facebook

here is a small trick for Facebook
with this you can send a single message to multiple users without opening their chat window or individually by clicking on them.
just press ALT+M key combination from your keyboard while using Facebook.
it will open the message box window where you can send message to multiple user..!!

pls comment if you like..

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Remove "Thumb.db" from Computer

Thumb.db file is created in images folder (wallpapers folder). It cache the current pictures of the directory.

To remove it or prevent this from caching do the following steps-->

  1. Open "My Computer"
  2. Click on the Tools Menu and then Folder Options
  3. Go to "View Tab"
  4. On the Advance Setting panel select Do Not Cache Thumbnails
  5. These steps will removed all the thumbnail files from your computer and never created again..

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How To Make Mobile Number as Does Not Exists

It's a simple call divert trick:->
  1. Go to the Setting Option on your phone.
  2. Find Call Settings Option there.
  3. Select Call Divert Option
  4. After Activate the Divert option. Enter the destination no. as 0000 i.e. a no. that does not exits
  5. Finish

Monday, November 21, 2011

Notepad as Personal Diary

1.Open Notepad file
2.Now write .LOG on the first line of notepad file, then press Enter key.
3.Save notepad file as whatever name which you want eg. Diary
4.Now Open the file and you notice this time that Notepad add the current date and time at the end of file.
5.you can write your personal notes here and the save your file and close.
6.Now again open the file and you notice that notepad again append current date and time at the last of the file.
7.You can write as many notes as you want.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Repair Damaged Files

The files damages due to of various reasons it might be cause by virus attacked or does not shutdown properly or some other reasons.
To repair these damage files a File Repair software will be helpful.
It supports all formats which includes:-

  1. Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Access
  2. Movies Formats( mpg, mp4, avi, mov, flv and much more...! )
  3. Image Formats( jpeg, gif, bmp, png , etc....)
  4. Adobe Reader files(pdf)

Click here to download

Twitter Bird Gadget